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Mecca: A City for Pilgrims and Travelers

by sophiajames
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Mecca is the shortened form of Makah al Mukarramah, lies within Saudi boundary. The city is a famous religious spot for lovers of Allah SWT. People visit this place as pilgrimage to perform the holy Umrah and hajj rituals. The heart of Islam and the house of Allah SWT “Kaba” lie in this mecca city. Muslims love visiting holy Kaba to keep in close to Allah SWT. It is more than just feelings what people have when they visit Kaba. You will get overwhelmed with emotions and Jalal of Allah Almighty in the boundary of Kaba.

I think, as per the data mecca population is jumping twice of it. Mecca is thrice the greater than the other big cities of Saudi Arabia. It is the most visited place in Saudi because of natural holy places. As it is a pious city so people visit it with religious intentions more than tourists. You too can float your boat here and grab some economical Umrah packages from UK and spend a quality time here. These religious rituals like Umrah keep you near the Allah SWT and enhance spirituality. Umrah keep your train of thought towards Allah SWT’s righteous path.

Foreign travelers can also visit the holy pilgrimage city mecca as allowed by government now. Earlier only Muslims could visit the Mecca city and no other religion people. It is also the birth place of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH and many of his companions. Mecca has a lot to offer to its visitors either pilgrimage or travelers. Let’s explore this holiest city together and know about the amazing places it has to visit.

Ghar e Hira

The Hira Cave lies outside the Makah city and also known as Jabal al Noor is situated outside the city. Muslims believe that this cave is the place where the verses of QURAN e PAK first time revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Whenever Prophet Muhammad PBUH gets sad, he headed towards cave Hira to have some peace and rest. This cave was a peaceful place for our Prophet and now for all lovers of Prophet PBUH. In this cave Allah sent his messages to Muhammad PBUH via his angel Jibrael AS.


You can spend quality time here when you visit it in Ramadan ul Mubarak. If you want peace step up your gear and select Ramadan Umrah packages to experience the peace you can never have.

The Great Masjid al Haram

Masjid al-Haram (enclosing Kaba) situates in Mecca. Kaba is the most essential place near Muslims in their heart. It is the QIBLA of Muslims (direction of prayers).

Mecca is the most important place in Islam which derives its importance due to Hajj and Umrah. Muslims perform tawaf of Kaba during Hajj and Umrah process. And a prayer in Masjid al-Haram (Kaba boundary) is equal to 100,000 prayers in other mosques worldwide.

Praying in the masjid al haram is so satisfying and overwhelming with the emotions as a Muslim. It is a huge blessing from Allah Almighty if he invites you to his sacred house. Muslims believed that praying in the masjid al haram, whatever you pray Allah listen to it more closely and accept the Dua.

The Black Stone

Hajr e Aswad (The Black Stone) is fixed in Kaba which Muslims believe is, this stone sent down from Paradise (Jannat). Initially, the color of stone is white but with the passage of time it changes its color to black. The prophet Ibrahim AS fixed this black stone in this position. The black stone was a gift from heaven to prophet Ibrahim AS. The beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH kissed this stone and now it is Sunnah to kiss this sacred stone. But one should be patient while kissing this sacred stone and avoid hitting people there in haram. When you visit Makah after booking any Umrah packages must kiss this sacred stone.

Luxury museum

The clock tower in front of the Kaba has a great tower clock museum in its some floors. The museum has all historical things and best amenities to offer to tourists. The clock tower is a luxury building showing the modern architecture and great facilities. It is no doubt on the prime location in Saudi Arabia, the tower building.

Maqam e Ibrahimi

Maqam e ibrahimi is the place where Prophet Ibrahim AS stood on a stone to build some parts of Kaba or probably to renovate it. There were some footsteps on that stone which stayed. That stone is enclosed by the steal boundary and called as Maqam e Ibrahimi. People visit it while pilgrimage journey and see this stone via the net fence around it. People remember the Ibrahim era by seeing this sacred stone having footsteps of him.

Safa and Marwa

Completing rounds around the Safa and Marwa are mandatory in hajj and Umrah rituals.  Safa and Marwa are two small hills located near Makah and now it also come under the area of haram. These two hills are interred connected and you can hike there. The hiking of Safa and Marwa is not easy as it is a pebbles area where shoe get slips easily. Take care of yourself while hiking mounts of Safa and Marwa as it stretches legs muscles.

In Ramadan it is really a tough job to hike through this mountain in hot sun and low energy. But you know what Allah loves those who accept hardships for him. Your reward will be double if you bear these hardships in Umrah journey for Allah. You should buy some Ramadan Umrah packages to boost up your reward and spirituality especially in Ramadan.

Hotel and food

Now the main topic is about accommodation and the food you can eat there. If you are a pilgrimage aspirant, you must book hotel near the haram Kaba so you can avoid transport hustle. But if you are visiting as non-Muslim tourists then you can have hotel reservation at any place good there. The food is halal there because you know it is a holy Islamic city for pilgrimages. You can find many cuisines there as they have variety to offer, don’t worry.

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